Judgement Methodology #1 - Ranking and Scoring scale
The main role of a judge isn't to give an accurate grade out of 10 in a specific criterion. What judges do is a ranking of spinners. The larger the amount of spinner you rank and the more reliable your results will be. For this specific article, I will talk only about execution and I will act as if execution was an undivided criterion, like it use to be. Ranking When you start judging, you might be tempted to give a score to a combo right after watching it. That's something that comes with experience and it's not that easy to do. To begin with, you need to rank spinners relative to each others. Below, a very simple example that'll help me to illustrate what follows. Each trait correspond to the execution score of a spinner, represented by a letter. e.g. Spinner D has a better exe score than spinner C, E and F. In an ideal world with a very comprehensive rulesbook, I believe judges would all agree on ranking and disagree on score repartition. That score repartition wou...