Setupology#2 - Let there be light
Rule n°2 : The blurred shadow 2 things are needed when working on lighting : enough light (but not too much) blurred shadow of the hand Both are linked to readability. Regarding light, if the intensity isn't enough, it's harder to dissociate fingers/tricks in the combo. WT19 R1 - one of my biggest failure regarding setup If there is too much lighting, there's a clear dissociation between the palm of the hand (white) and the back of the hand (the shadow). Often, it's not a huge issue for readability but it's most of the time displeasing to watch. Regarding the shadow of the hand, if it's really distinct behind the hand, it reduces readability because you have 2 elements doing the same movement : the finger and its shadow. Weerman at the FPSB beginner tournament Understand how the light works in a room A few things to understand regarding lighting intensity of the sun >>> all but it's hard to master and it depends of the time of the d...