
Setupology#2 - Let there be light

  Rule n°2 : The blurred shadow 2 things are needed when working on lighting : enough light (but not too much) blurred shadow of the hand Both are linked to readability. Regarding light, if the intensity isn't enough, it's harder to dissociate fingers/tricks in the combo. WT19 R1 - one of my biggest failure regarding setup  If there is too much lighting, there's a clear dissociation between the palm of the hand (white) and the back of the hand (the shadow). Often, it's not a huge issue for readability but it's most of the time displeasing to watch.  Regarding the shadow of the hand, if it's really distinct behind the hand, it reduces readability because you have 2 elements doing the same movement : the finger and its shadow.   Weerman at the FPSB beginner tournament     Understand how the light works in a room  A few things to understand regarding lighting intensity of the sun >>> all but it's hard to master and it depends of the time of the d...

Setupology#1 - The Spin Surface rule

I already made a set up video with english subtitles but I don't think it had the reach I wanted despite having some interesting insights ( Link here ) I developped 3 main rules and some minor ones, so that'll make 4 articles. Introduction Good set-up is a virtuous circle when you start penspinning. Basically, on easily readable set up, people will more easily watch your clips, you get more praise, you have more motivation, you practice more blablabla. Having a bad set up isn't mandatory of course, but you can't really whine if no one look at your spin.   A clear demonstration of what I'm talking above. Only based on the thumbnail, there's less views on FS n°75 To be clear, I won't really talk about the esthetical aspect of set up but more about the practical aspect of set up. What I want people to learn is how to not have a bad set up, and not how to have a good set up :v The whole point of the following rules is Readability Rule n°1 : Spinning surface The ...

Judgement Methodology #1 - Ranking and Scoring scale

The main role of a judge isn't to give an accurate grade out of 10 in a specific criterion. What judges do is a ranking of spinners. The larger the amount of spinner you rank and the more reliable your results will be.  For this specific article, I will talk only about execution and I will act as if execution was an undivided criterion, like it use to be.  Ranking When you start judging, you might be tempted to give a score to a combo right after watching it. That's something that comes with experience and it's not that easy to do. To begin with, you need to rank spinners relative to each others. Below, a very simple example that'll help me to illustrate what follows. Each trait correspond to the execution score of a spinner, represented by a letter. e.g. Spinner D has a better exe score than spinner C, E and F. In an ideal world with a very comprehensive rulesbook, I believe judges would all agree on ranking and disagree on score repartition. That score repartition wou...

Retirement - a year with SC only - aim of this blog

Retirement From December 31, 2022, in my 10th year, I will stop penspinning. It's not that I will stop everything penspinning related, but I will definitely stop sitting on a chair and film for hours for CVs or tournaments. When it comes to oldies and development, there are 2 kind of person with toxic behaviour : washed up spinners that still release combos are boring  people who stop penspinning are some kind of "traitor" to the community I think it's ok to think either of those, as long as no one really take it seriously and create some kind of negative atmosphere to force everyone to always improve individually (which is totally different to search for collective improvement). I think it's less visible nowadays but it was the case from ~ 2016 to 2020, especially after Menowa's retirement from international competitions.    the chad 2019-2020 On my side, I will enter active life in 2022 and I don't really like the idea of a continuous regression. I had ...